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Jenny Runkel
May 27, 202010 min read
History, Teachers, and Titles
Pretty much every good thing I know about writing I learned by writing for one man, in one class. He absolutely changed the course of my...
Jenny Runkel
Dec 8, 20192 min read
Do It Now.
Paul McCartney is one of several people who just inspire the hell out of me. He is not only musically brilliant, but he's so freaking...
Jenny Runkel
Nov 17, 20194 min read
Social Media is a Mean Girl
You either knew the mean girl in middle school or you were her. Unfortunate, but true. Everyone, even her closest friends found...
Jenny Runkel
Aug 1, 20193 min read
Rememborating and other made-up things
Summer in Lafayette, La. 1978. I was 6 and 3/4 years old. My friends had Kiss lunch boxes and Grease records. I was allowed neither. In...
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